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Keep your customers at the front of the line!
If you want a better way to serve your customers and grow long-standing connections with them, Order Made!® makes online ordering easy and safe with a convenient, multi-functional, and customizable web-based menu tool for the food service industry. Order Made! is flexible and can be easily used by anyone with access to a computer, fax machine or cell phone and runs on a secure server.
We know what you need
Order Made! was created with input from restaurants, caterers, and customers. We know that your business needs a reliable cost effective ordering system. Order Made! is a streamlined system that works for single or multiple locations. Order Made! can be set up in less than two hours! Offer your customers a way to order food online quickly and easily with features features that will benefit your customers and your business. We also customize Order Made! to meet your needs.
Increased efficiency for you and your employees
Answering the phone can be a hindrance to staff performance and it reduces the number of personnel available to serve your customers. With Order Made!, your staff has detailed, readily available information on orders, what ingredients are needed, and what needs to be prepared next. When you are closing for a renovation or vacation, Order Made! enables you to activate the away feature that lets your customers know that you are temporarily closed and when you will re-open. Check out the Order Made! Demos and see for yourself how simple the process is for a customer.
Convenience and satisfaction
With Order Made! customers experience is effortless, and easy ordering ensures repeat business. With Order Made! orders can be taken any time any time on any day and customers have multiple ways to order, in real time. You will have more repeat customers and more impulse sales.
Customer makes selection from your menu, enter the date and time for service (dine-in, carry-out, or delivery) enter their name and address, and select the method of payment (credit card, cash, check or account.) Then they receive a confirmation email and you receive the detailed order.
Complete menu control
Once you have registered and have administrative control, you can easily enter your information and create multiple menus, sections, and items for different times of day and services offered. You can also enter your address, minimum charges, zip codes for delivery, and more. If you don't want patrons to order online, we offer Menu Only Order Made!® allowing customers to view your menu to calculate pricing without sending in orders.
Get behind the wheel today
If you have decided that it's time to modernize your business with the Order Made! online ordering system, then take control and Register an Account today! It's free to create and setup your menus. If you would like to test-drive the system from the view of a customer, visit the Order Made! Demos page where you can experience Order Made! at your own pace.
For a complete listing of all Order Made! has to offer, visit our features page.
Need help? Call Alexis at 916 988 1450.